Tuesday, December 23, 2008

The Emptiness of a Christmas without Christ

I don't have the most vivid memory of my childhood. It's not because I'm suppressing some deep wounds from my past or trying to forget a horrible upbringing. In fact, I think I had it pretty good. The problem is that I have a pretty poor memory. But there are those few occasions that I will never forget. You know, those special moments, whether good or bad, that are etched in your mind for all your life.

One of those moments that I can recall happened when I was a young boy. It took place towards the end of Christmas day after all the gifts had been unwrapped, our meal had been eaten and the house was settling down. Well, when you have six kids in a family, it never really settles down, but relatively speaking, it was a little less chaotic.

I am the youngest in my family and my next oldest sister is about six years older than I. So, to put it plainly, I was spoiled. I don't remember one Christmas when my parents didn't get me that special gift I was longing for. One year is was an electronic, animated Etch-A-Sketch, another year it was the latest Nintendo video system, the list goes on. I had everything a little boy could ever want. Not to mention I had five older siblings who looked after me, played with me and only occasionally found pleasure in picking on me.

But on this one Christmas, at the end of the day, I found myself kneeling down by my parent's bedside next to the stand where their perfectly square digital alarm clock sat. And here I was, a boy who had everything he could possibly want, with tears, rushing down my face. I couldn't even explain why I felt so terribly sad, I had no good reasons, except for the fact that I felt lonely, empty and lost.

I remember one of my sisters coming into the room and finding me on my knees silently but steadily weeping. "Pierre, are you ok?" Of course I denied that anything was wrong - I guess that's a trait for even young men too! "Did you not get something you wanted for Christmas?" I shook my head to say no and explained through tears, "That's not it." She left the room to go get my mother who also came to console me.

I'm not sure if my sister or my mother would remember this day, but it's one I will never forget. I truly believe it was one of the earliest points in my life where God was beginning to show me, in a very subtle, but tangible way, that life without him is void and empty.

My parents did a wonderful job in not only supplying for what our family needed, but also for everything we could have wanted, yet there was something that was missing. This was something that money could never buy, but ironically came without a price.

I now realize, looking back, that the emptiness I felt at that tender young age could never have been filled by any material gift. The only way to fill that void is through a relationship with Jesus Christ. It wouldn't be until my early twenties when God would open my eyes to the true reason for Christmas and the only gift that will satisfy, the gift of His Son Jesus Christ.

This Christmas, I encourage you to make a concerted effort to get away from all the hustle and bustle around you and spend some time with Jesus, God's most precious gift. Open your heart to Him knowing that He is the only one who can fulfill the deepest longings of your soul.

Jesus told the woman at the well,

"If you knew the gift of God, and who it is who says to you, 'Give Me a drink,' you would have asked Him, and He would have given you living water. Whoever drinks of this water (from the well) will thirst again, but whoever drinks of the water that I shall give him will never thirst. But the water that I shall give him will become in him a fountain of water springing up into everlasting life." (John 4:10,13,14)

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Lessons from a Day of Jury Duty

This week I was called in for jury duty. It was my first experience being called in so I was a little nervous and someone excited. Now I know what you're thinking, "Excited for jury duty!?" But why not? I mean how often do you receive a "Get Out of Work Free" pass all the while getting paid a whopping $17.84!

Here were a few of my thoughts from this experience:

Jesus said, "Judge not that ye be not judged." I thought about this scripture a few times as I waited in the jury room wondering if I would make the jury selection. I don't know about you, but I'm not keen on judging other people to determine their innocence or guilt in a court of law. So I asked a couple potential jurors what they thought about the responsibility of judging another and one man honestly responded, "We do it every day." And isn't it true? How often do we make quick judgments by what a person wears, how they look or even the color of their skin.
I'm so glad that God does not judge by outward appearance, but looks at the heart. (1 Samuel 16:7)

I was brought into the courtroom with other potential jurors to go through a process called "Voir Dire" (French for "To see to say"). This is an opportunity for the lawyers of both sides to ask questions of potential jurors in order to decide who will be selected as the 12 jurors and also two standbys. One of the questions asked of us was, "Would you be more likely to believe the testimony of a police officer because of their position?" I raised my hand in the affirmative. On the basis of that question and my answer, I was excused from being on the jury.

My thoughts were that a police office should be obligated to tell the truth and my hope would be that he or she would do just that. But in a court of law, everyone is to be given equal credence to start so there is no impartiality in one's judgement. I contemplated my response for some time and even spoke to my sister Paula and friend Matt who are both lawyers. While my earnest hope would be that a police officer would tell the truth under oath, I realize his humanity makes him just as vulnerable to lying as anyone else. "let God be true, but every man a liar" (Romans 3:4)

During the jury selection, I spent some time praying for the defendant, a young man accused of assault. The court room had a very cold and threatening feel to it. I could only imagine what it felt like for him. The judge grabbed the attention of the entire courtroom and even his slightest attempt at humor brought about a nervous giggle from a room of grown adults. It made me also consider that great day of judgement we will all one day face. I thought to myself, "If there is such fear in standing before men, how ought we to fear the living God who sees all things?!"

After my brief appearance in court, I am now free from serving jury duty for another 3 years. But I can't help but think that every day, people around the world are sitting in the same seat of that young man waiting for their verdict. And each day, there are men and woman who will leave this world to stand before God's great throne.

I know that before a holy God, I will one day stand guilty as charged, but I'm so glad that I have a friend in Jesus - my advocate, my defense, my refuge and my Savior - the One who has paid my penalty in full! Thank you Jesus! Amen.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Stories of Grace: The World's Most Precious Commodity

A week ago as my day at work came to an end, I received a phone call from a business associate. "I have a review with my boss tomorrow and I was wondering if you could write her an e-mail about my performance." I was taken aback by her request not only because it was on such short notice, but also because her performance on our project, or lack thereof, had been the source of much anxiety and stress.

I got off the phone and wasn't sure what to do. So I pulled up a chat session with several Christian co-workers to ask for their thoughts. As I explained the situation to the group, their common reply was that I should not give a recommendation, but that I should call her to explain my hesitancy.

After ending our chat session, I started to draft out some notes for my conversation. I then dialed her number, with a prayer to God for His assistance. When she answered, I graciously explained to her, using my notes, that I was not in a position to write her a review at this time. She however, again to my surprise, persisted and asked if I could just "write a few lines" to her boss.

As she spoke, I sensed the Holy Spirit beginning to nudge me a bit, "Can't you say anything kind about her?" I started to realize that my assessment of her was too harsh and my expectations may have been too high. So I kindly agreed to write her boss a few words of appreciation and did so before I left the office that night.

The next day when I got into the office I had an e-mail in my inbox from this woman's boss. She thanked me for my comments and said she thought the world of this co-worker! Now, I was a bit perturbed. I thought, "If it wasn't enough to give this lady a kind review, now her boss agrees with my comments!" I wasn't sure what God was trying to teach me through this situation, but He soon made it clear.

Fast-forward one week.

I had an appointment to meet with a pastor at my church for breakfast to fellowship and talk about life. I occasionally meet with this man who is older, wiser and has been through the seasons of family life that I now traverse. I put a reminder of this meeting in my calendar at work and read it just before leaving the office.

The next morning, when I was to meet with the pastor, I was sitting at my kitchen table praying and reading my Bible. My wife walked in the room and asked when I was leaving for my breakfast. A feeling of shock, dread and "OH NO!" hit me all at once. I had totally forgotten all about my breakfast appointment and it was now a half hour past the time we were to meet! I ran to my phone book, called the restaurant and spoke to the waitress who I could tell sensed that I was the culprit and said, "He already left. He waited about a half hour for you."

I felt mortified. What a gaffe on my part! I got in touch my pastor as soon as possible to apologize for my mistake. And of course, he graciously forgave me. Immediately, I was reminded of the review I had given a week before to my co-worker and I sensed God speaking to me, making me aware of my own need for grace.

It's not always easy to show people grace, it feels like we're letting them off the hook for something they deserve. At the same time, it's a wonderful feeling to receive grace. It's refreshing, like ice cream on a hot summer day. I'm convinced that grace is the world's most precious commodity - everyone needs it, but so few people want to give it. The demand is high, the supply is terribly low.

While the world tells us to "toughen up" and give people what they deserve, God's Word says, "For judgment is without mercy to the one who has shown no mercy. Mercy triumphs over judgment." (James 2:13) Some day when we meet Jesus, I highly doubt he will ever say, "You were too gracious, too kind and way too benevolent." No! I sense that He will laugh and dance with us as we celebrate the grace He showed each of us and the grace we then went on to share with others.

"He has showed you, O man, what is good; and what does the LORD require of you, but to do justly, and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with your God" (Micah 6:8) Amen.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Turning Your Frustration Into Fruit

Well the US elections have come to a close, thank God! No more political campaigning for another 4 (well maybe 2) years.

I have no desire in making this website, nor this blog a politically biased medium. My focus is on the Bible. But I know some friends in the Lord who were disappointed with the recent election results because they feel that their values, namely those of being pro-life, will not be honored with the future administration.

These people are good, loving Christians who have a real hatred for abortion and care for children. Many of them feel like they've lost the battle and that the days ahead will be ones of sorrow.

So, I'd like to put the politics aside and just share a word about this matter. I will specifically use the "abortion issue", but you can replace this issue with any other policy that you don't agree with in your own country, state, or city.

It's true that the law of the land could change to make abortion at all stages of pregnancy a legal practice. I agree that this would be horrific. But do realize that making abortion legal is one thing, having an abortion is another. What I mean to say is that the real mission is about people, woman, who are looking at an unexpected and undesired pregnancy and feel like they have no where to turn.

You see, the ministry opportunity is still available. Woman are still in need. They feel desperate, alone, scared and helpless. And many who are in this state of emotional turmoil make the choice to end their pregnancy. While I can't agree with this decision, I can empathize with a woman, especially one who is young and unwed.

So while I understand it may be natural to feel upset about the laws of your land, it is obligatory to turn your focus off of the larger governmental laws and turn them onto the individuals who are in need. If your passion about this issue is from God, then it must be followed up with action, or in other words, compassion.

So, wipe the tears from your eyes if your president of choice was not elected and go wipe the tears from the eyes of a woman who is contemplating abortion. Make a sacrifice in your budget and help sponsor your local pregnancy help center. Pray for the children and for the thousands of woman who will make this decision in the years ahead. Do something. Anything. And make a difference in someone's life.

The point I want to make here is not really about politics, or even abortion. It's about practically living out our Christian faith in the world around us. It's as James says, "(being) doers of the Word and not hearers only" knowing that "faith without works is dead." (James 1:22, James 2:14-26)

It's time to move on and turn our frustration into fruit.


Tuesday, October 28, 2008

How to Make the Most of Your Trials

I seem to be going through a series of trials as of late. I am thankful that these trials are not severe in nature, none of them are matters of life or death. At the same time, they are enough to test my faith. Here are some ways I'm learning from the book of James, by the author of the same name, to make the most of my trials.

James starts off his book by identifying himself as a "bondservant" of Jesus Christ. That term bondservant literally means a slave, someone who is bound to another. The first step in making the most of your trial is to view yourself as a servant to God. By taking on this identity, you immediately overcome the temptation to feel that you "deserve better" and instead look for ways in which to glorify God, your Master.

James goes on to say, "count it all joy when you fall into various trials." (Jms 1:2) I've never met anyone who said that it was easy to obey this instruction. Like all of the Christian life, it is not easy, but it is possible. Or in the words of Jesus, "With men this is impossible, but with God all things are possible." (Mt 19:26) In order to face a trial with joy, we must become fully dependent upon God.

Thirdly, it's also worthy to note that James said, "when" we face a trial, not "if". Trails are not optional in this life; they are guaranteed. Jesus taught that the Father "makes His sun rise on the evil and on the good, and sends rain on the just and on the unjust." (Mt 5:45) Bad days do come to good people, just ask Job.

James then goes on to explain why we should consider our trials as joy. He makes a chain reference of words noting that when our faith is tested it produces patience or perserverance and when we've experienced patience long enough we become mature and complete. Any professional athlete will testify that it's only through persistent and progressively more difficult practice that perfection is reached. In the same light, our Christian character is developed over time as we face trials.

James advice for those who face trials is very simple - ask God for wisdom. When we come to God we must come in an attitude of faith, knowing that without faith we cannot please Him (Heb 11:6) It's important to ask God for wisdom during a trial because we are often faced with critical decisions and don't want to take them on hastily. Furthermore, if we make poor choices, it can possibly prolong the time we face going through the trial. When we ask, we must also listen for God's direction.

All in all, I know trials are inevitable, but that God works everything for my good (Romans 8:28) to help me conform into the image and likeness of my Savior (v.29) and He provides wisdom to go through the trial if I simply ask Him for it.

Friend, I don't know the trials you are facing today or those coming your way, but I do know that in Christ, God can make every obstable we face work for our good. Amen.

Saturday, August 16, 2008

God's Athletes

As people around the globe tune in to watch the Olympics, there is another group of athletes who may not attract world recognition, but have the attention of heaven.

The Saints Prison Ministry works to reach prisoners for Christ through athletics. Godly men and woman with athletic skills and compassionate hearts go into prisons to play basketball, softball, volleyball and soccer with the inmates. Then after the games, these men and woman share the gospel and their testimonies with the inmates.

Many prisoners come to know the Lord for the first time. Others who know the Lord already continue to grow in their walks through Bible study correspondence courses.

As a basketball player and lover of Jesus I have longed to play for the Saints. Yet my time is too limited with family obligations to be away for the practices as well as the games - the teams actually travel to prisons in others states to minister.

So earlier this year when I was reading the monthly newsletter from the Saints Prison Ministry and found out they had a pen pal program, I knew I needed to participate. What an awesome opportunity to use my gift of writing and to help someone in need!

After filling out an application, I waited to be assigned someone to write, but never heard back until this past week when I received a package in from the Saints, not with one, but three letters from prisoners.

As I read these letters, my heart melted with empathy and sorrow. It was obvious to me that these men were hurting, lonely and in despair. My mind started to imagine their life stories and how they ended up behind bars. Here are a couple samples of the letters I received (with no grammatical or spelling edits):

"I am writing you and asking you if there is someone there who would write me and share the word of God. I have no family to write to. I would like to have a pen-pal to share the word of God with. It's very lonely here in prison and its even loneler when no one write you - so if there is someone who would like to share the Gospel please write me. thank you for your time and effort."

"I can't find my brother...I had lost my mother in 1997 then after that all my family turn they back again me. But I am praise God that he did not turn he back again me and that he always love me not matter (what)go on. I thank God for his love toward me and he forgiveness of my sin and giving me a new life in Christ Jesus."

Another prisoner who is not yet a Christian wrote, a prayer request:

"I have legal fees and attorney costs that I am unable to pay and I need to raise the money to further fight my legal cases! Thank you!"

Even though I don't know these men personally, my heart was deeply touched as I read their letters. I don't know the details of their circumstances, but I do know that God has called his people to minister to those who have been forgotten.

When the day of judgment comes, Jesus will say to the righteous, "I was in prison and you came to me.", but to the unrighteous, "I was...sick and in prison and you did not visit me." The unrighteous will ask, "Lord, when did we see You hungry or thirsty or a stranger or naked or sick or in prison, and did not minister to You?"

And He will respond, "Inasmuch as you did not do it to one of the least of these, you did not do it to Me." (Matthew 25:31-46)

Friend, please pray that God will give me the right words to encourage and lift up these men (Dale, Robert and Daniel). Also pray and ask God if you should be a prisoner's pen pal too. There are many men and woman waiting for a friend like you.

[If you have an interest in writing a prisoner please contact the Saint's Ministry by visiting their website. (www.saintsprisonministry.org) All pen pal correspondence goes through the ministry so that no one ever has your home address. There are also other guidelines to assure that your privacy is protected.]

Thursday, August 7, 2008

When God Speaks

Today was my first day attending a Christian Writer's Conference. There were some great speakers and wonderful worship, but the most touching experience came through a woman named Lyn.

One of the classes I attended today was entitled, "Listening to Hear His Answer". It was a course about hearing God's voice and then writing what you hear. The teachers were a couple in their 40s I'd guess, from Lancaster, PA. They were a lovely couple, who obviously loved Jesus wholeheartedly and believed in His miraculous power for today.

Toward the end of the course we were paired off in twos. I was paired with a woman named Lyn. We briefly introduced ourselves to one another. Our assignment was to try and hear from God for the other person. Lyn and I knew next to nothing about one another so anything that would come from each of us that sounded accurate would be a sure sign of God's voice. Lyn did not have any experience in trying to hear God's voice for another person although she said she knows His voice and admitted that she often runs when He speaks and doesn't obey immediately.

I tried to give Lyn some tips on hearing God's voice in the 30 seconds we had together to introduce ourselves. Although I'm well aware of Jesus' promise that says "My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me" (John 10:27), I was skeptical and probably pretty doubtful that she would hear something for me.

We took about five minutes to listen to God's voice and journal what He was speaking to us. At the end of that time, Lyn and I turned to one another and read what we had. Here is what Lyn wrote:

"I believe God wants to speak & show Himself thru Pierre, to others, especially those who do not know Him. I want to say this would be thru writing since we are at a writer's conference, but I'm not sure that's what God wants. I believe this would come through another medium. I believe Pierre has a lot to share & needs to do this."

When I heard these words I got choked up. If you know me well, you know that my passion is to see people come to know Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. There is nothing more deeply engrained within my heart. And here was Lyn, a woman who had no idea that my passion for evangelism existed, now confirming His calling on my life. Lyn was also touched by the words I shared for her life so we both stood up before the class and gave testimony of what God had done in our midst.

It was a powerful experience!

If you are a child of God, I want to encourage you to spend time getting quiet before the Lord and removing all distractions and listening for His voice. He has so many special things to say to each and every one of us. He is a wonderful God.

If by chance you have not yet come to know the Lord in a personal way, let me encourage you to open your heart to Him right now. He is ready and waiting to forgive you and give you new life through the power of His death and resurrection.

Friend, one last note. Please pray for me. Pray that God orchestrates the work He wants to do in my life and opens up greater doors to share the message of Jesus Christ with those who do not yet know Him personally. I will be forever grateful.


Monday, July 21, 2008

The Cost of Integrity

Over the weekend, I took my sons to the grocery store to buy some apples. While we were out, I tried to make the most of the trip so I took them to the neighboring pet store and then down the plaza to the Dollar Store.

Of course my kids were touching everything possible within the pet store and making me cringe every time their hands neared their eyes or mouth. I couldn't wait to walk over to the Dollar Store and get some anti-bacterial soap on their little paws.

When we entered the Dollar Store I asked the cashier where I could find the anti-bacterial soap and she directed me to a display in the middle of the store. So I brought my boys over to the rack and gave each of them and myself a squirt from the bottle of berry scented liquid cleanser.

As I walked away from the rack, I did so without the bottle of soap in my hands. My conscience was actively notifying me that I needed to buy that soap and not just take a dab for myself and my boys. But against my own better judgment I continued to walk along in the store helping the kids pick out some toys for themselves.

The next day, I went to church and after getting my kids settled in childcare, I sat down to hear the sermon. The pastor was speaking about areas of our lives that can leave the devil a foothold. One of these areas was an unclean conscience.

Immediately, the Holy Spirit brought to mind that one dollar bottle of anti-bacterial soap that was still sitting in the Dollar Store. I knew at that moment that I not only had to ask God for his forgiveness, I also had to go back and buy that soap (even though my rational thinking said that it was no big deal at all.)

So after church we took another trip to the Dollar Store and I walked in to buy only one product - a used bottle of anti-bacterial soap. I got back into our van and took a healthy squirt of the bottle I now possessed. Ahh...I now not only had clean hands, I had a clean heart. My integrity was restored for a mere $1 ($1.06 with tax).

Integrity is doing the right thing no matter what the cost. Just consider what integrity (or lack of it) cost some characters in the Bible.

When David, a man after God's own heart, slept with Bathsheba and set up her husband Uriah to be killed in battle, it cost him greatly. The Lord was displeased with him (2 Samuel 11:27), he gave the enemies a reason to blaspheme His God (2 Samuel 12:14) and the son he bore with Bathsheba died. (2 Samuel 12:15-19)

When Judas agreed to betray Jesus for thirty pieces of silver (Matthew 26:15), he gave the devil entrance into his life (Luke 22:4), he conspired against Jesus to have him captured, then betrayed him with a kiss (Mark 14:43-46) and in his guilt, shame and regret took his own life (Matthew 27:3-5)

When Ananias and his wife Sapphira held back a portion of their offering from God and lied to the apostles and ultimately God, it cost them their lives. (Acts 5:1-10)

So what's the morale of the story?

The consequences of dishonesty are always greater than the cost of integrity. Amen.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Like a Little Child

This past Sunday I took my three year old to a new Sunday School class. He graduated from "Lollypop Lane" (which was basically a play center for young kids) to the 3 to 5year old class. In this new class they draw, hear Bible stories, have snacks and play games.

Since it was his first time in this new class, I decided to stay with him for the duration of the class to see what took place and how well he interacted with the other kids. I considered this a minor sacrifice knowing I would not be able to attend our regular service and hear this Sunday's sermon. To my surprise, I learned many spiritual truths in the presence of these toddlers.

Jesus was fond of little children. In fact he made some profound statements about children and the kingdom of God.

"Verily I say unto you, Except you be converted, and become as little children, you shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven. Whosoever therefore shall humble himself as this little child, the same is greatest in the kingdom of heaven. And whoever shall receive one such little child in my name receives me." Matthew 18:3-5

Here are some observations I made as I was in the midst of these little children.

Story time : The Bible story for the day was about Jacob and Esau, the sons of Isaac and Rebekah. The overarching theme of the story was that we need to "love one another". The simplicity of the message made an impact on my own heart. How often are we looking for the deeper revelations from God when we haven't yet mastered the clearest commandment of the entire Bible - love each other.

Ask in faith : When it came to snack time, the kids were offered Goldfish and apple juice. As some of the kids finished their snack they simply asked for more. "Can I have more fish?" "Can I have more juice?" I became the teacher's helper and had the privilege of serving these little ones. Their simple requests reminded me of Jesus' teaching that we need to ask God in faith for what we need knowing that our Heavenly Father desires to give us what is good. (Matthew 7:7-11)

Freedom and Joy : Toward the end of the class there was time remaining before the parents would return. The teacher played some Christian music and invited the kids to dance. When the music stopped, they would "freeze" in place. The kids had no hesitation to get out on the carpet and cut the rug. Each one had their own style of dancing from spinning in circles to a simple bend of the knees, but one thing they had in common was their unhindered ability to be free and happy. There were no concerns about what other people thought about them or if they would be criticized for their silly moves, they just danced because it was the fun thing to do.

As I sat there with these little children admiring their uniqueness and simple lives, I thought, "Maybe I should help out here more often." Shortly after the class, the Sunday School coordinator asked if I'd be available to help out during the Summer with the kids. I thought to myself, "Ok, God, I hear you loud and clear." So for the next few weeks I will have the honor of assisting in this class and being taught by 3, 4 and 5 year olds what it means to be a child of God.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

A Couple "Love Stories"

In my last blog, I spoke about the importance of holiness in our walk with Christ. This blog, I'd like to emphasize the importance of love by sharing two recent stories with you.

The first story took place a couple weekends back on one of the hottest days of the year. The main air conditioner in our home living room went on the fritz. Having a small baby in the house it was imperative that we get the thing working...and fast!

So in the short term I popped in a smaller air conditioning unit in our bedroom where the baby spends most of her time and day sleeping (Praise God, we got a good sleeping baby this time!!). Then my wife called a couple we are friends with to ask if the husband would be available to help me install a new air conditioner.

Soon after my friend was at my door ready to help. Ironically he and I are both the youngest boys in our family. Now in case you don't know what that means, let me fill you in. The youngest boys only watch what is done around the house, they aren't included (or allowed to) actually do anything. No matter how old we get, it's all up to the older brothers. In some ways this was good (I got to play a lot more ball growing up), in other ways it's bad (I'm a klutz when it comes to fixing things around the house). Fortunately my friend was over his father's house last year when his A/C went out so he saw how to remove and install one(of course his brothers did all the work and he watched).

So my friend and I worked to remove this gargantuon, dinosaur of an air conditioning unit and lugged it to my front curb. We then took a trip to Home Depot to find the right size air conditioner to replace it. Three hundred and fifty dollars later we were headed back to my house to install the new unit.

Thankfully, the newer unit was much lighter and easier to install and we did not have to replace the outside metal casing that holds the unit in place. Then came the moment of truth (and cool air!) when we plugged the unit in, and voila! - nothing happened!!!

We scratched our heads a bit and stood in wonder. What could be wrong with this thing? I first concluded that the outlet must have a problem with it. At this point, I was tired, frustrated and hot. I took a quick step outside and said a quick breath of a prayer, probably my first prayer throughout this whole ordeal. "God, help me to stay in faith and give us wisdom."

"Should we check the circuit breakers?" my friend inquired. I thought to myself, "Oh no, don't tell me it was simply a circuit breaker." ...

And you guessed it...we flipped the circuit breaker over and the new machine worked like a charm. I will now answer the question every man is asking themselves, "Did you keep the new A/C unit?" I looked at my friend and apologized, "I'm sorry for wasting all your time today." He said, "No problem, I would have made the same mistake." (A very gracious response). Then I said, "Would you mind putting the old unit back in?" He agreed. We took out the new one and hoised the old one from the curb and put it back in. It ran beautifully.

I'm sure there are a lot of lessons to be learned here including the practical lesson of simply checking the circuit breaker before looking to replace a "dead" A/C unit. But I think the greater lesson I learned was the value of a good friend and what true Christian love is all about. My friend never complained, fussed, condemned me or laughed at me. He gave up his own precious time with his family and kids to be with me fixing an air conditioner that wasn't even broken and in the end didn't make me feel terrible about myself for making such a foolish mistake.

Now that's love. Thanks brother!

Now for one more quick "love story".

Last week we had a team outing at work to go play minature golf in the afternoon. I decided to work from home in the morning and then leave at lunchtime to go play. When it came time to leave, my son Elijah, now 3 soon to be 4, did not want me to go (or at least not to go without him).

I tried to explain to him that I wouldn't be gone long and that I'd come back to play with him, but this logic didn't curve his heart's desire to be with Daddy. I tried to distract him and make a dash for my car at one point, but could hear him crying and upset even from my driver's seat.

My wife came out to the car and said, "You've got to come in here, he's really having a tough time." So I came in and picked up my son in my arms (man, he's getting heavy) and started to tell him that I loved him and would be back soon. As I spoke the words, "I love you." I had the thought, "If you love him so much, what are you doing to show him that you love him?" Again, I lifted up a quick prayer for wisdom and the thought came to me, "Take him with you."

So I told my wife, "I'm going to take Elijah with me." So we gathered him some snacks to take with us and we were on our way.

Now this was not supposed to be a family event, but a team building event for my work. So I knew I was "breaking the rules" and would possibly be subjected to some funny looks, bad attitudes or whispers by those who didn't approve of my choice to bring my son along. But by faith (and love) I took him and he was very happy.

Now here comes the true "love story". Around the 16th hole (this was the nicest minature golf course I've ever seen, by the way), Elijah decided to throw his ball and it landed in a large pond. The pond was fenced in with signs around it warning golfers not to bother the swans. I tried to stick my club in to fish out his ball to no avail. So I told him we'd have to continue on without his special blue ball.

But by the time we got to the next hole, he was again asking for the ball. So my co-workers with me suggested I try to grab another ball that was laying beside the water. We went over to try and scoop it out and as I leaned over the fence, my glasses dropped in and landed right next to the ball on the rocks next to the pond.

My co-worker looked at me and said, "Now you've got to go in." So we surveyed the area and pointed out the best place to hop the fence. In the meantime, there was a huge swan eyeing me down. I made the jump. Grabbed the ball and my glasses and hopped back over the fence before the killer swan could reach me. And believe me, he was coming my way.

While my heroics will never compare to the stories of modern day Super-men who save lives from burning buildings, one thing holds true. True love does what's best for another.

"Greater love has no one than this, than to lay down one's life for his friends." - Jesus
(John 15:13)

Friday, June 6, 2008

A Call to Holiness

As I completed a grocery store run for my wife and entered the parking lot with my two toddler boys seated in the red race car shopping cart I thought to myself, "Job well done." I grinned as I thought about just how "responsible" I was becoming as a Father. Before my ego had time to blow my head to smithereens, I sensed the Holy Spirit speaking gently to my heart. Within a flash of a moment I understood the message.

"Being responsible is good, but I've called you to more than that. I've called you to holiness."

Suddenly my sense of pride wilted like a head of lettuce left out in the hot Sun, losing all of it's glory and splendor. A couple scriptures soon came to mind.

"Be Holy, for I am holy." (1 Peter 1:15)

"Follow peace with all men, and holiness, without which no man shall see the Lord" (Hebrews 12:11)

As I continued on in my day with my sons, I started to meditate on this word from the Lord. I realized that God desires holiness more than anything else.

It's not that being responsible is a bad thing, of course not. As long as being responsible doesn't come in the way of being holy, then it is a wonderful thing. And that holds true for any other noble virtue.

If God has given you a good sense of humor, then use it to his glory, just as long as you don't break the greater standard, that of holiness, by telling off colored jokes.

If God has made you industrious and a good worker with your hands, then work diligently. Just don't allow pride to rob Him of glory and deplete your true calling to holiness.

If you have a very sociable personality and have no problems making friends or being a conversationalist, great! Praise the Lord for your beam of light. Just don't lose sight of holiness and become the center of your world and everyone else's attention.

A second realization came to me as I meditated on God's call to holiness. Sometimes even as Christians we forget that God's standard is much different and higher than our own human benchmark. Jesus did not come to die for "pretty good people". He came and died for sinners. At the core of the gospel is the fact that we will never measure up to God's criterion of holiness on our own, "for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God". (Romans 3:23)

The good news, (ie the gospel) is that through Christ, we are justified (made right) with God and by God's grace we are redeemed (accepted back) by God. The above verse goes on to say,

"being justified freely by His grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus, whom God set forth as a propitiation by His blood, through faith, to demonstrate His righteousness, because in His forbearance God had passed over the sins that were previously committed to demonstrate at the present time His rightousness, that He might be just and the justifier of the one who has faith in Jesus." Romans 3:24-26

As I consider the things that "drive" me to do what I do and say, I must ask myself this question. "Is the value that's driving me at this point in time in any way contrary or lower than God's call to holiness?" If so, I must adjust my priorities and seek God's gold standard, holiness.

After another trip to a local play center, I got my kids in the car and headed home. I realized I was running late for a meeting I had to attend. My focus and priority became being on time. As my sons started to squabble with one another and whine for me to make another stop before going home my voice and temper began to rise.

"Remember", nudged the Holy Spirit, "it's all about holiness."

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For further study and meditation, consider the following verses:

2 Corinthians 7:1 Having therefore these promises, dearly beloved, let us cleanse ourselves from all filthiness of the flesh and spirit, perfecting holiness in the fear of God.

Ephesians 4:20-24 But you have not so learned Christ; If so be that you have heard him, and have been taught by him, as the truth is in Jesus: That you put off concerning the former way of life the old man, which is corrupt according to the deceitful lusts; And be renewed in the spirit of your mind; And that you put on the new man, which after God is created in righteousness and true holiness.

1 Thessalonians 3:11-13 Now God himself even our Father, and our Lord Jesus Christ, direct our way unto you. And the Lord make you to increase and abound in love one toward another, and toward all men, even as we do toward you: To the end he may establish your hearts blameless in holiness before God, even our Father, at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ with all his saints.

Monday, May 26, 2008

What the Bible says about gossip....

A Web Reader asked, "What does the Bible say about gossip?"


The Bible says a lot about gossip, but depending on the version of the Bible you are reading, you may not find the actual word "gossip" being used. Instead, you will find several other synonyms that connote the same meaning. The words "talebearer" or "whisperer" are the two most common names that describe someone who gossips.

Webster's dictionary defines a gossip as someone who "habitually reveals personal or sensational facts about others" and also "rumor or report of an intimate nature". When we typically think of gossip, it's usually in the form of slander, a malicious form of speech that is meant to harm the reputation of another. Jesus actually spoke of slander in the Beatitudes when he said, "Blessed are you, when men shall revile you, and persecute you, and shall say all manner of evil against you falsely, for my sake" (Matthew 5:11).

Most of us would agree that gossip is wrong by nature, but the Bible brings greater understanding to the nature of gossip and why it is so harmful and evil in the eyes of God. Consider these few verses from Proverbs:

Proverbs 11:13 A talebearer reveals secrets: but he that is of a faithful spirit conceals the matter.

A person who gossips is untrustworthy. If they are willing to speak about others to you, don't be so foolish to think they won't do the same behind your back. A gossip doesn't know how to keep a secret, but a person who is faithful will keep a matter between you and them. We all need faithful friends.

Proverbs 16:28 A perverse man sows strife: and a whisperer separates best friends.

A person who gossips can cause great strife and conflict in relationships. By speaking maliciously about others, a gossip can ruin our impression of a person we know and care about. When someone begins a sentence by saying, "Did you know that so-and-so...?" or "I heard that so-and so...", you can safely assume that gossip is to follow. It's best to politely shift the conversation or remove yourself immediately.

Proverbs 18:8 The words of a talebearer are like tasty morsels, and they go down into the innermost parts of the body.

Gossip is like a tasty treat to the ears of the gossiper. Have you ever nibbled at a piece of cake until the whole thing was completely gone? In the same way, a gossiper is never satisfied with just a little rumor, their spirit continues to hunger for just another word of accusation or juicy story to tell.

Proverbs 20:19 He that goes about as a talebearer reveals secrets: therefore associate not with him who flatters with his lips.

A gossip is prone to flattery. Webster's dictionary defines flattery as "insincere or excessive praise". There is nothing wrong with a heartfelt compliment. In fact, we can all use some encouragement. But a person who is prone to gossip will also use their speech to puff up another person with vain words. The Bible is very clear to say that we should avoid associating with such people. Don't be fooled, if you hang around a person who gossips long enough, you will become like them. (read 1 Corinthians 15:33)

Proverbs 26:20 Where no wood is, there the fire goes out: so where there is no talebearer, the strife ceases.

Don't feed the fire! If you find yourself tempted to gossip or in a conversation with someone who starts to gossip, stop immediately. The best way to stop gossip is to starve it. Change topics, keep quiet or politely excuse yourself when gossip begins and you will keep yourself pure as well as help another person, at least for the moment, avoid the opportunity to sin. Gossip dies once one person in no longer willing to listen.

The Bible not only encourages us to avoid people who gossip, it also warns us to keep from gossiping ourselves.

"Keep your tongue from evil, and your lips from speaking deceit." (Psalm 34:13)

"Let all bitterness, and wrath, and anger, and clamor, and evil speaking, be put away from you, with all malice."(Ephesians 4:31)

"Speak not evil one of another, brethren. He that speaks evil of his brother, and judges his brother, speaks evil of the law, and judges the law: but if you judge the law, you are not a doer of the law, but a judge." (James 4:11)

Talking to another person about a problem is not gossip. When we have a serious conflict with another person, Jesus taught that we should speak directly with the person who has offended us before we bring it to the attention of others. (Matthew 18:15-17) Direct, honest, and loving communication requires maturity, perhaps the reason that it's so much easier to just talk about someone else behind their back.

But gossip comes at a great cost to our relationships and is a deadly vice the enemy uses to divide and hurt people even within the church of Jesus Christ. When we hide gossip behind the guise of a "prayer request" we destroy trust within our fellowship and cause great damage to the body. Our speech must be motivated by our love for others knowing that "Love does no harm to a neighbor". (Romans 13:10)

When all is said and done, it may come down to remembering the simple adage, "If you don't have anything nice to say..."

Saturday, May 3, 2008

Daughter in college...gone astray from the Lord...

A web reader wrote:

Besides praying, how can parents who are currently raising their two youngest children to live Christian lives, minister to their oldest child who is living out of state and attending college? The choices that this child is making are totally non Christian and I can't even get her to commit to finding a new church family and/or interact with other Christian students. All she's interested in is partying and boys and I am so afraid that she will be hurt terribly and/or be so consumed in the world that she won't find her way back to Christ.

Dear Reader:
I am sorry to hear of your daughter's choices to stray from the faith. I can tell this is a really painful situation for you. Let's first get on the table some of the things you cannot do for your daughter.

1) You can't make her decision for Christ. She's going to have to make the decision to follow Christ on her own. This is actually a good thing because she will "own" her faith at that point and it won't be the choice of her Mom and Dad.

2) You can't watch over your daughter's activities. As a parent you want the best for your child and that includes protecting them from harmful people and circumstances. "In the natural", you can't oversee every activity that your daughter will participate in or people she will hang out around. She's on her own and although you can influence her choices, you can in no way monitor all of them - that's God's job.

3) You can't stop being a good Mom to your other two young kids. Your other two kids need you the most right now. If they are old enough to understand your eldest daughter's decisions, you will be responsible for sharing with them why you believe these are wrong choices and leading them to the truth of God's Word. You are responsible for protecting them from any harmful influences as well as nurturing them in their spirits.

4) You can't take back the past. The Apostle Paul wrote, "forgetting those things which are behind and reaching forward to those things which are ahead, I press toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus." (Phil 3:13,14) Do not condemn yourself for any mistakes you've made in parenting your eldest child. Ask God for His forgiveness, forgive yourself and where appropriate ask your daughter to forgive you, then do your best to move on in faith.

Before we go forward with what you can do, let's pause for a moment of prayer. "Lord we lift up this mother to you now. Comfort her in her time of distress. Let her know that you are always there with her at any time of the day, even in her darkest hour. Help her to surrender to You those things that are out of her control and give her the strength and wisdom to raise her two younger kids up in Your ways. In Jesus' name we pray, Amen."

Now for what you can do :

1) Pray! : I know that prayer sometimes seems like it's just not enough, but let me encourage you to know that there is no greater power available to us to change our circumstances than the power that comes through prayer. Although you can't make your daughter's decision to accept or follow Christ, you can pray for God to work in drawing her to Himself. And though you cannot watch over your daughter's activities, you can pray for her protection and well being. Never underestimate the power of a praying mother!

2) Wait expectantly: James wrote, "Count it all joy when you fall in to various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces patience. But let patience have its perfect work, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking nothing" (James 1:3, 4) God wants to use this trying time in your life to help you develop even greater character, namely patience. Wait with expectation that you will one day see your daughter come around and follow after the Lord. That takes faith!

3) Ask for wisdom: James continued by saying, "If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all liberally and without reproach, and it will be given to him." (James 1:5) God wants to give you wisdom for this situation and all you need to do is ask. Ask and keep asking. God can give ideas on how to relate to your daughter and to pray for her.

4) Find support: There have to be other Christian mothers out there going through the same situation. If you know any, call them up. Set up a time for you to get together and pray for your children and to encourage one another. If you don't know of any, ask God to provide one for you. God never wants us to walk this journey alone. Also, if your husband is a Christian man, ask him to pray with you. Allow this trial to pull you closer together, not further apart. God can bless your marriage and faith if you come together in the name of our Lord Jesus and pray and trust His Word and promises.

5) Don't lose heart: "And let us not grow weary while doing good, for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart." (Galatians 6:9) I am certain that if you persist in prayer for your daughter and continue to be a good example of what it means to walk with Christ, it is only a matter of time before she comes back to the truth. Don't give up! As long as you can hold onto Jesus through this trial, trusting Him regardless of the choices your daughter makes, you will have the victory. Don't doubt it, don't fear the worst. Trust God completely. He is working on your behalf so don't give up!!

"Lord, we pray again for this dear mother. Give her the courage to carry on. We pray for her daughter as well. Speak to her heart and call her back to You. Give this mother a wonderful support system to help her stay encouraged. Bless her marriage and her two younger children. We trust that one day, she will see her entire household praising You. In Jesus' name we pray. Amen."