Tuesday, June 17, 2008

A Couple "Love Stories"

In my last blog, I spoke about the importance of holiness in our walk with Christ. This blog, I'd like to emphasize the importance of love by sharing two recent stories with you.

The first story took place a couple weekends back on one of the hottest days of the year. The main air conditioner in our home living room went on the fritz. Having a small baby in the house it was imperative that we get the thing working...and fast!

So in the short term I popped in a smaller air conditioning unit in our bedroom where the baby spends most of her time and day sleeping (Praise God, we got a good sleeping baby this time!!). Then my wife called a couple we are friends with to ask if the husband would be available to help me install a new air conditioner.

Soon after my friend was at my door ready to help. Ironically he and I are both the youngest boys in our family. Now in case you don't know what that means, let me fill you in. The youngest boys only watch what is done around the house, they aren't included (or allowed to) actually do anything. No matter how old we get, it's all up to the older brothers. In some ways this was good (I got to play a lot more ball growing up), in other ways it's bad (I'm a klutz when it comes to fixing things around the house). Fortunately my friend was over his father's house last year when his A/C went out so he saw how to remove and install one(of course his brothers did all the work and he watched).

So my friend and I worked to remove this gargantuon, dinosaur of an air conditioning unit and lugged it to my front curb. We then took a trip to Home Depot to find the right size air conditioner to replace it. Three hundred and fifty dollars later we were headed back to my house to install the new unit.

Thankfully, the newer unit was much lighter and easier to install and we did not have to replace the outside metal casing that holds the unit in place. Then came the moment of truth (and cool air!) when we plugged the unit in, and voila! - nothing happened!!!

We scratched our heads a bit and stood in wonder. What could be wrong with this thing? I first concluded that the outlet must have a problem with it. At this point, I was tired, frustrated and hot. I took a quick step outside and said a quick breath of a prayer, probably my first prayer throughout this whole ordeal. "God, help me to stay in faith and give us wisdom."

"Should we check the circuit breakers?" my friend inquired. I thought to myself, "Oh no, don't tell me it was simply a circuit breaker." ...

And you guessed it...we flipped the circuit breaker over and the new machine worked like a charm. I will now answer the question every man is asking themselves, "Did you keep the new A/C unit?" I looked at my friend and apologized, "I'm sorry for wasting all your time today." He said, "No problem, I would have made the same mistake." (A very gracious response). Then I said, "Would you mind putting the old unit back in?" He agreed. We took out the new one and hoised the old one from the curb and put it back in. It ran beautifully.

I'm sure there are a lot of lessons to be learned here including the practical lesson of simply checking the circuit breaker before looking to replace a "dead" A/C unit. But I think the greater lesson I learned was the value of a good friend and what true Christian love is all about. My friend never complained, fussed, condemned me or laughed at me. He gave up his own precious time with his family and kids to be with me fixing an air conditioner that wasn't even broken and in the end didn't make me feel terrible about myself for making such a foolish mistake.

Now that's love. Thanks brother!

Now for one more quick "love story".

Last week we had a team outing at work to go play minature golf in the afternoon. I decided to work from home in the morning and then leave at lunchtime to go play. When it came time to leave, my son Elijah, now 3 soon to be 4, did not want me to go (or at least not to go without him).

I tried to explain to him that I wouldn't be gone long and that I'd come back to play with him, but this logic didn't curve his heart's desire to be with Daddy. I tried to distract him and make a dash for my car at one point, but could hear him crying and upset even from my driver's seat.

My wife came out to the car and said, "You've got to come in here, he's really having a tough time." So I came in and picked up my son in my arms (man, he's getting heavy) and started to tell him that I loved him and would be back soon. As I spoke the words, "I love you." I had the thought, "If you love him so much, what are you doing to show him that you love him?" Again, I lifted up a quick prayer for wisdom and the thought came to me, "Take him with you."

So I told my wife, "I'm going to take Elijah with me." So we gathered him some snacks to take with us and we were on our way.

Now this was not supposed to be a family event, but a team building event for my work. So I knew I was "breaking the rules" and would possibly be subjected to some funny looks, bad attitudes or whispers by those who didn't approve of my choice to bring my son along. But by faith (and love) I took him and he was very happy.

Now here comes the true "love story". Around the 16th hole (this was the nicest minature golf course I've ever seen, by the way), Elijah decided to throw his ball and it landed in a large pond. The pond was fenced in with signs around it warning golfers not to bother the swans. I tried to stick my club in to fish out his ball to no avail. So I told him we'd have to continue on without his special blue ball.

But by the time we got to the next hole, he was again asking for the ball. So my co-workers with me suggested I try to grab another ball that was laying beside the water. We went over to try and scoop it out and as I leaned over the fence, my glasses dropped in and landed right next to the ball on the rocks next to the pond.

My co-worker looked at me and said, "Now you've got to go in." So we surveyed the area and pointed out the best place to hop the fence. In the meantime, there was a huge swan eyeing me down. I made the jump. Grabbed the ball and my glasses and hopped back over the fence before the killer swan could reach me. And believe me, he was coming my way.

While my heroics will never compare to the stories of modern day Super-men who save lives from burning buildings, one thing holds true. True love does what's best for another.

"Greater love has no one than this, than to lay down one's life for his friends." - Jesus
(John 15:13)

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