Thursday, August 7, 2008

When God Speaks

Today was my first day attending a Christian Writer's Conference. There were some great speakers and wonderful worship, but the most touching experience came through a woman named Lyn.

One of the classes I attended today was entitled, "Listening to Hear His Answer". It was a course about hearing God's voice and then writing what you hear. The teachers were a couple in their 40s I'd guess, from Lancaster, PA. They were a lovely couple, who obviously loved Jesus wholeheartedly and believed in His miraculous power for today.

Toward the end of the course we were paired off in twos. I was paired with a woman named Lyn. We briefly introduced ourselves to one another. Our assignment was to try and hear from God for the other person. Lyn and I knew next to nothing about one another so anything that would come from each of us that sounded accurate would be a sure sign of God's voice. Lyn did not have any experience in trying to hear God's voice for another person although she said she knows His voice and admitted that she often runs when He speaks and doesn't obey immediately.

I tried to give Lyn some tips on hearing God's voice in the 30 seconds we had together to introduce ourselves. Although I'm well aware of Jesus' promise that says "My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me" (John 10:27), I was skeptical and probably pretty doubtful that she would hear something for me.

We took about five minutes to listen to God's voice and journal what He was speaking to us. At the end of that time, Lyn and I turned to one another and read what we had. Here is what Lyn wrote:

"I believe God wants to speak & show Himself thru Pierre, to others, especially those who do not know Him. I want to say this would be thru writing since we are at a writer's conference, but I'm not sure that's what God wants. I believe this would come through another medium. I believe Pierre has a lot to share & needs to do this."

When I heard these words I got choked up. If you know me well, you know that my passion is to see people come to know Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. There is nothing more deeply engrained within my heart. And here was Lyn, a woman who had no idea that my passion for evangelism existed, now confirming His calling on my life. Lyn was also touched by the words I shared for her life so we both stood up before the class and gave testimony of what God had done in our midst.

It was a powerful experience!

If you are a child of God, I want to encourage you to spend time getting quiet before the Lord and removing all distractions and listening for His voice. He has so many special things to say to each and every one of us. He is a wonderful God.

If by chance you have not yet come to know the Lord in a personal way, let me encourage you to open your heart to Him right now. He is ready and waiting to forgive you and give you new life through the power of His death and resurrection.

Friend, one last note. Please pray for me. Pray that God orchestrates the work He wants to do in my life and opens up greater doors to share the message of Jesus Christ with those who do not yet know Him personally. I will be forever grateful.


1 comment:

KelliGirl said...

Hi Pierre,
It was nice to hear from you, thanks for your note on my blog.

I thought I'd check out your blog and was happy to see you too wrote about the conference. I was in the class you wrote about, but had to leave for an appointment before the class paired up. Honestly, I was skeptical how that would work.

How cool it was to read your story and hear your perspective of the class. But especially to see the Spirit move between you and Lyn. God is so amazing!

I'm sorry I missed it, but thanks for sharing your experience here.

I am definitely interested in a writer's group and have two other local women who are too. We were going to get started in Sept. after school starts.

Keep in touch.

P.S. I read both of the articles you gave me and thoroughly enjoyed both of them. Keep writing!!